0030 23740 24267
10th Panoramatos st, Kallithea Chalkidiki


kallitheaKallithea is a modern village that can offer an unforgettable experience with a remarkable tourist infrastructure. A village by the name alone states a beautiful position on the peninsula of Kassandra. The excellent climate, the combination of greenways landscape of pine trees with the crystal clear sea, together with the high standard hospitality services, makes Kallithea one of the finest resorts in the region.


kallithea2In Kallithea there are many kinds of shops for souvenirs, clothes etc. You can also find many quality places for dining and entertainment, restaurants, Bars, Night Clubs, Bowling, Go Kart etc.


kallithea4In addition, the site is of archeological interest, because in Kallithea has been excavated the temple of Dionysus and the Nymphs, part of the temple of Jupiter Ammon (who was worshiped in the 5th century BC) and the altar area. In the mid-4th century BC a large Doric temple was constructed, in honor of Zeus Ammon. Dionysus had been worshiped in the 8th century BC, as evidenced by a staircase carved in a rock and a cave that was dedicated to the worship of God. The archaeological finds include the Temple of Jupiter Ammon, built in the 4th century BC and architectural parts belonging to early Christian basilica.